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Atlas Profilax

A unique and revolutionary method promoting self-healing and pain recovery

Let's learn more about Atlas PROfilax

Humanergetics has been researching the benefits of Atlas Profilax since 2008. Atlas Profilax is a non-invasive, non-chiropractic and non-medical method which may align the atlas vertebra, also known as the first cervical vertebra. This method may correct the alignment of the atlas, which may help alleviate a range of symptoms, which may include but not limited to headaches, back pain, or neck pain. While we cannot make any health claims, we are excited to share some of the potential benefits of Atlas Profilax, as well as some referenced case studies that support its use.

A brief history of Atlas Profilax:

The Atlas Profilax method was developed by Rene-Claudius Schumperli, a Swiss chiropractor, in the 1990s. Schumperli observed that many of his patients had a misaligned atlas vertebra, which he believed was the root cause of many of their symptoms. He developed the Atlas Profilax method as a non-invasive way to realign the atlas vertebra, without the need for manipulation or cracking of the neck.

Some benefits of Atlas Profilax:

May Alleviation of pain: The Atlas Profilax method may help alleviate pain and discomfort in the neck, back, and shoulders. It may also help reduce headaches and migraines.

May Improved posture: The realignment of the atlas vertebra may help improve overall posture, leading to reduced strain on the neck, back, and shoulders.

May Improved balance: The method may help improve balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and other injuries.

May Improved breathing: The realignment of the atlas vertebra may help improve breathing, leading to reduced snoring and sleep apnea.

What is involved in the process

The AtlasProfilax method consists of a specialised targeted massage to the short neck musculature designed to loosen the existing tension in those muscles and consequentially return the atlas to its natural position. This method does not employ any manipulative movements of the head or neck and is a gentle process. The Atlas Profilax method involves a single session, which takes about 60 minutes.

Some case studies on Atlas Profilax:

The AtlasProfilax method may only be practiced by a specialist — an AtlasProfilax practitioner educated and certified by the AtlasProfilax Academy in Valais, Switzerland. This main website offers information you may wish to read and add to your own knowledge base. To date, there are several studies published and in the ACTA Journal of Orthopaedics, this paper noted the Atlas Profilax shed some light in joint disorders. Another case study published found improvement in cervical spinal misalignment while more can be read to learn its benefits here, its effects on fibromyalgia here

Overall, while more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of Atlas Profilax, these referenced case studies suggest that it is a viable option, although as always, it is important to consult with a professional healthcare provider before using any type of therapy, particularly if you have any underlying health conditions. With its non-medical approach and potential benefits, in our opinion, Atlas Profilax is a promising option for those who may be looking to alleviate pain and improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Cost: $350 (including follow up appointment)

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