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Medicine & Applied Kinesiology

Science-based approach that focuses on overcoming and preventing chronic illness by addressing root causes.

Learn more about Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine? Functional Medicine is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that seeks to identify the root cause of illnesses and imbalances in the body. Rather than just alleviating symptoms, functional medicine practitioners collaborate with patients to uncover underlying factors that contribute to their health concerns.

A key principle of functional medicine is the recognition that the body is a complex system, and imbalances in one area can have far-reaching effects on other systems. For instance, a digestive issue can cause hormonal imbalances that disrupt sleep. To address this, functional medicine practitioners undertake a thorough assessment of these interconnected systems, identifying and treating the underlying cause of a patient's health concerns.

In contrast to traditional medicine's reactive approach, functional medicine takes a proactive approach to healthcare, prioritising prevention and wellness. Practitioners work closely with patients to promote lifestyle changes, such as dietary improvements, exercise routines, stress management, and sleep optimisation.

One of the main benefits of functional medicine is its personalisation to meet each patient's specific needs. Practitioners employ various tools, such as genetic testing, laboratory assessments, and other diagnostic methods, to understand the patient's unique health profile. This information enables them to create a tailored treatment plan that caters to that person's individual requirements.

Functional medicine can effectively address diverse health concerns, including chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Additionally, it can aid those seeking to improve their overall health and well-being.

Learn more about Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic approach employing muscle testing to assess neurological activity. Its primary focus lies on the interaction of neuromuscular function with structural, chemical, and neurological regulatory mechanisms. Through muscle testing, the nervous system's influence on a patient's health is evaluated, enabling practitioners of Applied Kinesiology to seek the cause of disease in the balance between the sensory and motor systems. Licenced Healthcare professionals utilise Applied Kinesiology to pinpoint the root cause of muscle and joint discomfort and structural and gastrointestinal issues. These can often be addressed cost-effectively. Many patients dealing with complex conditions have sought the help of Applied Kinesiology when other treatments have failed to provide relief. It was developed by George Goodheart, a chiropractor, in the 1960s. 

Benefits of Applied Kinesiology

The following are some of the potential benefits associated with Applied Kinesiology:

  • Holistic Health Assessment: Applied Kinesiology enables the practitioner to holistically assess the patient's health. It considers the physical state and the biochemical and mental-emotional aspects of health.
  • Individualised Treatment Plans: AK assessments can be used to develop individualised treatment plans that address each patient's needs rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Non-Invasive Diagnosis: As AK mainly uses muscle testing, it can be considered a non-invasive approach to diagnosing potential health issues.
  • Complementary to Other Treatments: AK can be used with other treatments, potentially enhancing the efficacy of a comprehensive healthcare plan.

Applications of Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology has a wide range of applications, as it can be used to treat various health problems. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Musculoskeletal Problems: AK can help identify hidden or subclinical problems in the musculoskeletal system that might contribute to pain or dysfunction.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies or Excesses: Through muscle testing, an AK practitioner can sometimes detect nutritional imbalances, aiding in developing a tailored nutritional plan.
  • Emotional Health: AK can help identify emotional or psychological stressors that might impact physical health. It can then be used to help manage these stressors.
  • Nervous System Function: Because of the close relationship between muscle function and nervous system function, AK can be used to identify and treat problems related to the nervous system.

Dr Matt le Roux is certified by the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK)

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